Saturday, 27 February 2010

::MI.UK:: are doing it for the Kidz !!

first kids release in store now is the little*bs overall and tee set..

Casual looks

Made in the uk has just released part 2 of the casual designs set
this one includes jeans,jacket,watch and tee..Enjoy!!

$Linden Love ..4 Low Priced Outfits @ ::Mi.uK::

1.Delta Deluxe
2.G.I Jane set
2.skull rebel 2010 rose

Monday, 22 February 2010

Affliction Addiction @ ::Mi.uK::

Affliction Faith & Affliction Sinner Babydoll T-Shirts Has Just Hit The Shelves Of[On SLX Here]

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Affliction Addiction @ ::Mi.uK::

This time miuk makes the ladies happy with the new affliction design babydoll tees

Sunday, 14 February 2010


This time on the Midnight Mania Board we have the big seller ::Mi.uK:: Sexylicious Overalls

Affliction @ ::Mi.uK::

::MI.UK:: Has Just Finished The Release Of Affliction Design T-Shirts, Check Out The First ^ 6 In store NOW!!!!
[Visit The ::Mi.uK:: Store Here]

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Tartan overalls..

Next Up We Have The ::Mi.Uk:: Overalls Called Brave Heat,,, Get your hands on these nice and low priced..
also the skin used is Freweini ::: Pale - tone 1 /Makeup 3.. you can find that and many more @ [[Bunny B]]

Love is in the Air

For valentines ::Mi.Uk:: has treated all you shoppers not 1 but 2 valentines creations firstly we had the simply love outfit, and now we give you a slightly neko/grungey designed outfit called Distorted Hearts, which is the jeans and top...Enjoy and Happy Valentines from me ;)

Friday, 5 February 2010

Plaid in Style!

New for the guys is the black ::MI.uK:: Plaid Two Layer shirt and just L$80

♡ Valentines Special ♡

Today Sees The Release Of .::Mi.uK::. Simply Loved Outfit .. Just In Time For Valentines Day!! outfit consists of simply loved jeans,loved maniac double layer tank top and resizable fedora hat..
Also In the picture is the Skin:[[Bunny B]] - Freweini ::: Pale - tone 1 //Makeup 3 [here]

GO Check out there store for some nice and very detailed skins and more!!